Since summer 2021 we at Kayak+ show you episodes regularly which are in common with topics out of the kayaksports. Besides topics out of the whitewatersports we will discuss topics like first aid, safety in canoesports, equipment, tour planning and -preparation. We have got more topics in our mind but first we have to develop our ideas and bring them to paper. Our goal is to make sophisticated, entertaining and informative YouTube-Videos for you. Such a motion-picture needs a lot of effort but the biggest compliment that you can give us is to watch our videos and give us a feedback - on form as a "thumbs up" or as a comment.

Our first videos

 Livestream Channel-premiere of 01/06/2021 (cut)

Episode 1: Kayaker uncousious - What can I do now?

Episode 2: Saving a kayakers live - that's what you do

Episode 3: The perfekt rescue chain at a kayakers accident

Episode 4: Recognising eddies in whitewater and reach them succesfully

Episode 5: The most important techniques for eddying for kayakers

Episode 6: How to master the perfect line in whitewater kayaking


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